Mingei / Art Without Heroes – Special Collaboration

“Mingei / Art Without Heroes” (Edited by Roisin Inglesby) puts Mingei, the Japanese-born term to mean “ordinary people’s crafts,” in an international context, exploring its relation to Arts and Crafts Movement in the UK which took place in the 19th century, to its relevance to today’s craftsmaking.

This book also features my story – how Mingei impacted my family heritage. This special collaboration is to celebrate the occasion; tuguminoeda gave life to the vintage textiles from Rikizo Munehiro’s studio and created bookmarks to accompany the book.

Mingei / ArtWithout Heroes(民藝 /ヒーローのいない芸術)日本で生まれた「民藝」という言葉を、国際的な視点から再考する本書。19世紀イギリスの「アーツアンドクラフツ運動」とのつながりはもちろん、現代における世界中のつくり手との関係も探る、発見の多い1冊です。

吉澤朋も寄稿して民藝と家業(祖父宗廣力三:紬織人間国宝、母宗廣佳子:染織家、父吉澤武:琴職人、伯父宗廣陽介:郡上紬工房継承、コレクター)の関係についても書いています。そんな特別な機会を記念した限定セットをご用意しました。私の知る中で一番の布偏愛者 tuguminoedaが、宗廣力三の工房の布を極限まで活かしきる方法で仕上げた栞をセットしてお届けします。


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This beautiful book “Mingei / Art Without Heroes” (Edited by Roisin Inglesby) puts Mingei, the Japanese-born term to mean ordinary people’s crafts, in an international context, exploring its relation to Arts and Crafts Movement in the UK which took place in the 19th century, to its relevance to today’s craftsmaking.

This book also features my story – how Mingei impacted my family heritage. This special collaboration is to celebrate the occasion; tuguminoeda gave life to the vintage textiles from Rikizo Munehiro’s studio and created bookmarks to accompany the book.

– Story of the Cloth –

The only way to become better is to better yourself

“The only way to become better at it, is to better yourself.”

Munehiro says so. It’s something that’s been said many times in the past, common sense, one may say. However, I don’t know any maker who has said the word with such depth and richness. I wear a kimono, or a necktie woven by Rikizo Munehiro, and am marvelled at the quality of beauty I find in them….

I gifted Munehiro’s necktie to one of my best friends Knut Yensen, (Founder and Director of Louisiana Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark). He sent me a letter of gratitude soon after, saying he’s wearing it for every occasion, as he receives compliments all the time.

   ”About Rikizo MUNEHIRO” by Makoto OOKA

I found a bunch of offcuts for these neckties wrapped in the newspaper dated 1989.

I asked tuguminoeda if there was any way to give another life to these dear materials. She met my request by not off-cutting any parts, nor even wasting a thread: she folded them into triangle bookmarks, with lustrous strands she creatively made from the threads that came off during the process.

– Story about the Maker –

There are certain people whom I can instinctively trust with work. They usually deliver so much more than I ask for, scooping up subtle nuances in my voice. Because they love what they do. tuguminoeda is one of them. Such that I reflect on myself and feel embarrassed, or motivated to become better the next day.

Now that I think, my grandfather, Rikizo Munehiro is also one of them. He, to this day, still moves me forward. It was my absolute pleasure to have been able to collaborate with him in this book “Mingei / Art Without Heroes” thanks to the editor/curator Roisin Inglesby. Celebrating this occasion, 10 sets of special collaborations with tuguminoeda’s bookmarks are on Wisdom Toolkit Store.

If you’re based abroad and interested in having one in your hand, please contact Hello (at ) wisdomtoolkit.co

日本で生まれた「民藝」という言葉を、国際的な視点から再考する本書、Mingei / ArtWithout Heroes(民藝 /ヒーローのいない芸術)。19世紀イギリスの「アーツアンドクラフツ運動」とのつながりはもちろん、現代における世界中のつくり手との関係も探る、発見の多い1冊です。

吉澤朋も寄稿して民藝と家業(祖父宗廣力三:紬織人間国宝、母宗廣佳子:染織家、父吉澤武:琴職人、伯父宗廣陽介:郡上紬工房継承、コレクター)の関係についても書いています。そんな特別な機会を記念した限定セットをご用意しました。私の知る中で一番の布偏愛者 tuguminoedaが、宗廣力三の工房の布を極限まで活かしきる方法で仕上げた栞をセットしてお届けします。




私は宗廣力三作のネクタイを彼(デンマーク、コペンハーゲン ルイジアナ美術館創設者・館長のクヌート・イェンセン)へのお土産にした。まもなく彼から来た手紙には、このネクタイがどこに行っても注目のまとであり、自分はどんな会合にもこのネクタイをしめて出るのだと書いてあった。

「宗廣力三さんのこと」 大岡信




思えば、祖父・宗廣力三も私の背筋を伸ばしてくれる存在の一人です。その祖父と書籍の上で初共演ができた今回。宗廣工房のヴィンテージの布を極限まで活かしきる方法で tuguminoedaが仕上げた栞をセットにしたMingei / ArtWithout Heroes(民藝/ヒーローのいない芸術)10冊限定のコラボレーションです。





今回は、原則送り先を日本限定としておりますが、海外在住でご興味のある方は Hello (at) wisdomtoolkit.co までメールをください。

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