Can I do that today? Can I be driven so much that I’ll forget my ego?
But You Never Once Honoured Me.
Everyone knows Steve Jobs but few are familiar with the companies or technologies that enabled iPhone.
What Oshosama Does not Say…
Without a Master, I Come To Enlightenment. "Dharma couldn't have been the zen originator by himself." I was listening to a zen analects lecture online, and this conversation popped up. I have come to notice that lineage is very important in zen; Dharma is the first...
Grandpa Lost His Horse.
“Why can’t you be happy when you’re meant to be?” The idea of suppressing emotions repelled me: it felt as though taking away all the juice of life, leaving boring and dry pulps.
“I Don’t Know” Is the Answer.
This is a tricky one. Using “I don’t know” as an answer may be a safe choice for some, a way to avoid mistakes or even a self-preservative tactic.
For me, it is a very proactive way to face my ego.
Good Things Always Spread.
People think I’m Japanese.
Well, I am. But it’s been so long since I had miso soup and rice for a breakfast.
I Want to See What You’re Seeing.
Takahiro Yagi at work